Ciao Bamberg, Hello Portland!
I am taking a break from bike riding, to give me knees some recovery time. But I've already been scouting out on GoogleEarth long rides I want to do in NW Oregon.
The above picture of barley, onion and raps was taken on my last long ride, two weeks ago. The fields smell so good; that is probably what I will miss most about Germany: riding with my nose.
Another top choice is Ayinger Jahrhundertbier. One's first sip of this beer drains half of the Stein, and from the second comes the thought "I could drink twenty of these." No kidding. Now, I have only drank this beer from Ayinger's pub in Munich, served flat and warmish from wooden kegs. Wait a minute, I'm in Munich right now... sounds like I have my research lined up for the evening, cheers!