Blue Rider of the North Bavarian Farmlands

I wrote a report on the OSU Bovine Research waste recycling practices in grad school. Trying to figure out how to get less cow shit bacteria in the stream running through the farm, that then runs throught the town of Corvallis. Dairy and beef farmers in Oregon typically employ a greater degree of processing and concentation on their handling of manure. So when you smell cow shit being spread in Oregon, it don't smell too good. If you ever drive through Hermiston, don't stop to take a leak, or you'll have to burn your driving clothes.
Bike touring is the best way to see a country. I love the livestock smells, the wet pavement smells, the rotting fruit tree smells. The townfolk looking at me questioningly as I am often lost and riding down private deadend streets. Having lunch in a Gasthaus and hearing the local farmers speak with inpenatrable dialects.

I bought a hybrid bike, essentially a road bike with variable-tension front suspension. On a single ride, the bike will handle pavement, cobblestone, gravel, and single track. I've asked Whitney to ship my bike shoes to Germany. I found clipless pedals with a cleat on one side, and a regular pedal on the other.
There is a region nearby called the Frankonian Switzerland, full of cragy rock outcroppings, rivers, and granduer. It is just far enough that a riding there and back would require two days. Today, I found out a train can carry me and my bike there in about an hour.